Saturday, August 7, 2010

While I'm at it... another video from this summer.

If you look close you'll see two 300 year old English cannons. One of them is pretty clear. What's harder to see is part of the anchor draped acrose some rock. The links are pretty big. You can see one of the links pretty clearly at 1:20- along with a tiny black fish trying to run off the other diver. This was about 60 ft deep off the coast of Dominica. If I don't post these I'm afraid I'm going to lose them.

Aransas Pass Waterpark Videos

We went to Aransas Pass with Jason and his two girls. 3 water slides, several different pools, and best of all - no long lines.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Inside Titou Gourge

This is a narrow gourge with really clear water. The current gets stronger the farther you swim up it. Toward the top are a series of small waterfalls. I climbed up behind a few of them. There was a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean filmed here. They rolled down the hills in those round cages, ended up here and were shot at from the top of the gourge by the natives.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Windsuring Video - Bird Island

We had about 20 minutes of 20+ wind. It was being sucked into a storm to the north and blew out to pretty much nothing quick. I didn't get going too fast - but fast enough to get planned out pretty good. It was fun while it lasted though.